
Our literature recommendations will help you to adapt to Ayurveda and India


From meanwhile nearly unmanageable amount of books on the subjects of Ayurveda and India, we have selected some for you:
…from Christian Fuß

In German language and with numerous pictures this book represents the bases of the ayurvedic medicine.

All books are new and unused. The books were produced in India and sometimes knocked against in the case of transport because of improper packing at the edges, which does not harm the quality of contents however.

Order equivalent here by prepayment
at the price of 9,90 EUR additionally 1,45 EUR forwarding expenses:

If you order this book, please transfer 11,35 EUR to the account of Karin Drexler, account number 17 550 500, Volksbank Baden-Baden/Rastatt e.G., bank code number: 662 900 00

….from Michael Teupel

Here you will find all necessary information for the planning of your
vacation in the South Indian State Kerala. Either a round trip in a house
boat or relaxing in nature – explore the country and it’s people and learn
more about Ayurveda, culture and traditions.

The Kerala guidebook was published in May 2012 by International Travel
Books, paperback edition, 228 pages, illustrated, in German language.

Available at book stores or at:

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